Flat anechoic chamber

A flat anechoic chamber is an almost anechoic chamber covered in flat sound absorbers on 5 of the rooms 6 inner surfaces. This is also called a planarchoic chamber. Flat anechoic chambers are used in situations where the acoustic requirements are not quite as strict.

Instrument boards from car tested in flat anechoic chamber

Flat anechoic chamber

Flat anechoic chambers is a form of anechoic chamber suitable for test environments in which the main objective is not solely acoustic measurements. In some cases, this type of room just meets "Engineering Grade" ISO 3744, but never "Precision Grade" ISO 3745.

Flat anechoic rooms require less space

Flat anechoic chambers distinguish themselves by being slightly cheaper to build than anechoic chambers with wedges. In addition, the acoustic absorbents in these do not take up as much space inside, resulting in a larger inner volume or the need for a smaller outer wall.

Apart from flat anechoic chambers usually housing slightly inferior and less precise measuring areas, also referred to as acoustic sweet spots, IAC Acoustics A/S' enclosure elements, such as sound-proof doors and windows, measuring set-ups etc., can form the basis for excellent acoustic facilities, despite the slightly inferior interior wall coverings.

As a rule, our planarchoic chambers are delivered with:

IAC Acoustic Test Facilities
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