Elastomer Mounts

Elastomer mounts have excellent shock and vibration isolation properties and are most commonly used to reduce the acoustic signature of naval vessels. Can be widely used for industrial applications where there is shock or falling loads.


Product catalogue Elastomer Mounts


Elastomer Mounts BFB

Transport Shock mount, 8Hz and 15-120kg


Elastomer Mounts BFC

Transport Shock mount, 8Hz and 80-1200kg


Elastomer Mounts BF45

Naval Shock mount, CR rubber, 5Hz and 30-1080kg


Elastomer Mounts BFN45

Naval Shock Mount, NR Rubber, 5Hz and 30-1080kg


Elastomer Mounts PC31

Transport Shock mount, Silicone rubber, 10Hz and 11-20kg

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