Cookie and privacy policy

Cookie and privacy policy


When you visit our website, information about you is collected and used to customise and improve our site content. If you do not want information to be collected, then you should delete your cookies (see guidelines) and refrain from further use of the website. You can also set your preferences in our cookie box. Below, we have elaborated upon what information is collected, what purpose it serves and which third parties have access to it.


The site uses "cookies", which is a text file stored on your computer, mobile phone or the like with the aim of recognising it, remembering settings, running statistics and targeting ads. Cookies cannot contain malicious code such as viruses.
It is possible for you to delete or block cookies (see guidelines). If you delete or block cookies, then you may also risk that the website will not function optimally, and that you will be unable to access some content.
We use Google Analytics to understand how our visitors use our website. If you have not given your consent to the other, then this is done completely anonymously (by masking your IP). You can read more about how Google uses your personal information here. You can also turn off Google Analytics entirely from across websites here.

Strictly necessary cookies


  • Purpose: Supports the website's technical functions.
  • Vendor:
  • Service: Cookie information
  • Expiry: 1 år


  • Purpose: Collects information about the website and its contents for reporting and security purposes.
  • Vendor:
  • Service: New Relic
  • Expiry: session

Functional cookies


  • Purpose: The site's technical platform that detects general user behaviour.
  • Data forwarded to: Denmark
  • Vendor:
  • Type: HTTP
  • Expiry: 30 min


  • Purpose: Supports the website's technical functions.
  • Vendor:
  • Service: Cloudflare
  • Expiry: 30 min

Statistical cookies


  • Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website for analytics and reporting purposes.
  • Vendor:
  • Type: HTTP
  • Service: Google Analytics
  • Expiry: 2 år


  • Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website for analytics and reporting purposes.
  • Vendor:
  • Type: HTTP
  • Service: Google Analytics
  • Expiry: 2 år


  • Purpose: Collects information about the users and their activity on the website through embedded video players for analytics and reporting purposes.
  • Vendor:
  • Service: Vimeo
  • Expiry: 2 år

Marketing cookies


  • Purpose: Used for online marketing by collecting information about the users and their activity on the website. The information is used to target advertising to the user across different channels and devices.
  • Vendor:
  • Service: Google Marketing Platform
  • Expiry: 1 år


  • Purpose: Supports the integration of a third-party platform on the website to deliver targeted advertising.
  • Vendor:
  • Service: Google
  • Expiry: 3 måneder


  • Purpose: Used for online marketing by collecting information about the users and their activity on the website. The information is used to target advertising to the user across different channels and devices.
  • Vendor:
  • Service: Google Marketing Platform
  • Expiry: 15 minutter

Personal data


Personal data is any kind of information that, to some extent, can be attributed to you. When using our website, we collect and process a variety of such information. This is done, for example, during normal access to content, if you subscribe to our newsletter, participate in contests or surveys, register as a user or subscriber, other use of services or making purchases via the website.
We typically collect and process the following types of information: A unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP number, geographical location, and which pages you click (interests). To the extent you give your explicit consent to this, and enter the information yourself, the following is also processed: Name, company, email, phone number and any address. It will typically be in connection with contact through our email form on all pages.


We have taken technical and organisational measures to prevent your data against accidental or unlawful deletion, disclosure, loss, deterioration, unauthorised disclosure, misuse or otherwise processed in violation with legislation.


The information is used to identify you as a user, which will have the greatest likelihood of being relevant to you, and to be able to deliver the services you have requested, such as e.g. forwarding a newsletter. In addition, we use the information to optimise our services and content.

Retention period

The information is stored for the period allowed by law, and will be deleted by us when it is no longer needed. The duration of said period depends on the nature of the information and the reason for storing it. It is therefore not possible to specify a general time frame for when information is deleted.

Disclosure of information

Data about your use of the website, your geographical location, gender and age segment etc. is disclosed to third parties to the extent this information is known. You may see which third parties these are in the section on "Cookies" below. The information is used for targeted advertising.
In addition, we use a number of third parties for the storage and processing of data. These exclusively process information on our behalf and may not use it for their own purposes.
Disclosure of personal information such as name and e-mail, etc. will only happen if you consent to it. We only use data processors in the EU or in countries able to sufficiently protect your information.

Insight and complaints

You have the right to know what personal information we process about you. You may at any time object to the use of the information. You can also withdraw your consent to information about you being processed. If the data processed about you is wrong, you have the right to demand it rectified or deleted. Inquiries in this regard can be made to: If you wish to complain about our processing of your personal data, you can also contact The Danish Data Protection Agency.


The website is owned and published by:

IAC Acoustics A/S

Jernholmen 44GB-2650 Hvidovre Phone: +45 36 77 88 00Email:

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