Noise reduction of machine with noise enclosures

Control noise from machines

Noise control of machines is of decisive importance for the working environment, productivity and well-being in a workplace. High sound levels can cause stress, hearing damage and distract the ability to concentrate in employees, which is why it is important to implement noise control solutions.

IAC Acoustics offers a wide product range within noise, acoustics and vibrations. Here we'll focus on some of the most important products for noise control of machines and machine noise: Noise enclosures and Noise shields.

Reduce machine noise with noise enclosures

Noise and machine enclosures are one of the most effective methods of noise control. Machine enclosures act as a protective shell around the machine and effectively reduce the noise directly at the noise source. IAC Acoustics' noise enclosures can be built as Moduline noise enclosure which is a building system developed specifically to dampen noise or Access Line machine enclosure which has been specially developed to allow access to a machine from many sides. Both building systems are made of materials with high sound insulation properties and designed to minimize noise emissions. The building systems are of strong quality and are easy to maintain, which makes them a good and practical solution in many industries. The noise enclosures are always adapted to individual machines and processes to ensure optimal noise reduction. Moduline noise enclosure can also be supplied with soundproof windows, soundproof doors etc., which, like the enclosure, have been developed to dampen at least as much noise as the panels.

Noise control of machines with noise screens

Noise screens are another effective solution for noise reduction. Noise screens act as barriers between a noise source and a residential area, or a work area. IAC Acoustics A/S' own acoustic barrier IAC Noishield is particularly suitable for dampening low-frequency or unusually high noise levels. IAC Noishield barrier can be designed up to 12 meters high and is most often used in industrial contexts, where ordinary noise shields are not strong enough. Noise screens are effective in reducing noise that spreads in the air and can be adapted to specific machines or work areas.

IAC Acoustics also offers an indoor mobile anti-noise barrier IAC NoiScreen, which can be used for workshops and all industrial production areas. It is robust, simple, withstands shocks and can solve acoustic and noise problems in many places. Furthermore, it absorbs noise from both sides.

Noise limits at workplaces

It is important to note that noise-reducing products not only benefit the health and well-being of employees, but also can contribute to complying with legislation on noise limits in workplaces. By implementing products like these, companies can create a more pleasant and productive working environment, while ensuring the well-being of their employees.

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