Noise control of machines

How to reduce noise from machines?

Noise control of machines is of decisive importance for the working environment, productivity and well-being in a workplace. It is important to identify and assess the specific noise and vibration problems and choose the most appropriate products and methods to tackle them.

We'll focuse on some of the most important products for noise reduction of machines and machine noise: Noise enclosures, Sound absorbents and Anti Vibration Mounts.

Reduce machine noise with noise enclosures

Noise and machine enclosures are one of the most effective methods of noise control. Machine enclosures act as a protective shell around the machine and effectively reduce the noise directly at the noise source. IAC Acoustics' noise enclosures can be built as Moduline noise enclosure which is a building system developed specifically to dampen noise or Access Line machine enclosure which has been specially developed to allow access to a machine from many sides. The noise enclosures are always adapted to individual machines and processes to ensure optimal noise reduction.

Read more about Noise and machine enclosures

Reduce machine noise with noise enclosures

Sound absorbents for noisy machines

Sound absorbents reduce the reflection of sound waves when they hit a hard surface.
Sound absorbents are used to improve the acoustics in work areas and minimize noise by reducing sound reflection and reverberation time in a room. Inside machine enclosures, they are very effective, as the machine noise, without a sound absorbent, would travel around the enclosure without being dampened.

Read more about om sound absorbents

Sound absorbents installed inside a noise enclosure

Solve vibration problems in industrial installations with Anti Vibration Mounts

Anti Vibration Mounts are used for active or passive vibration isolation. With active vibration isolation, the vibrations from a machine are dampened so that they do not spread in, for example, a building as structure borne noise. With passive vibration isolation, structure borne vibrations are dampened so they don't reach sensitive equipment, such as load cells or microscopes.

See our selection of Anti Vibration Mounts

Vibration dampers installed under noisy machine

Noise and vibration damping solutions at a high technological level

It is important to note that noise-reducing products not only benefit the health and well-being of employees, but also can contribute to complying with legislation on noise limits in workplaces.

IAC projects, calculates and develops noise and vibration damping solutions at a high technological level and delivers total solutions for a wide range of industries, including construction, R&D, testing, audiology, education, industry and offshore.

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