Sound insulation between floors with vibration dampening plates

Sound insulation between floors with VIKAFOAM

Vibration protection of buildings or building sections from external noise sources and their vibrations (including step sound reduction), increases a building's market value, improves the quality of life and work for the residents or employees and future-proofs compliance with increasing requirements for comfort.

The vibrationdamping sheets from IAC, VIKAFOAM and VIKADYN, both have good sound-insulating properties, excellent chemical resistance and a long lifespan and can therefore be used in the construction sector, among other things, to isolate whole building sections from each other.

Using VIKAFOAM in modern multi-storey building constructions

Modern building construction is characterised by a variety of materials that give houses their special character. It can be stone, concrete, glass, steel and wood. Wood is currently experiencing a renaissance, which is only possible because the demands that we know from modern concrete/brick houses can also be satisfied in timber constructions.

A modern wooden house is thus miles away from a wooden hut or a shed. High-tech materials such as IAC Acoustics’ VIKAFOAM and VIKADYN made of polyurethane combine the best of both worlds as a symbiosis of the traditional material wood and a highly developed plastic. Among other things, it ensures sound insulation between floors in wooden constructions.

Examples of using IAC Acoustics' VIKAFOAM and VIKADYN for soundproofing between floors

Minimize vibration and sound transmission between floors

Wood is becoming increasingly popular as a building material for houses because it is a natural raw material. However, the physical properties of wood, especially its sound conductivity, also require suitable measures to minimize vibration and sound transmission.

Especially at junctions where different materials meet, an increased transmission of sound can be observed. With IAC Acoustics’ VIKAFOAM and VIKADYN it is possible to achieve a high level of sound isolation without great effort. For this purpose, the individual residential units are separated by placing strips of vibration damping sheets on the top of the wood construction and then placing the next building section on top of this.

It can be shown that supports with VIKAFOAM or VIKADYN not only create the impression of a lower sound transmission, but also create improvements that can be measured physically.

Read more about VIKAFOAM and VIKADYN

Sound insulation between construction sections with vibration dampening plates

Vibration damping sheets from IAC

IAC Acoustics offers a wide selection of vibration damping sheets for vibration isolation of floors, construction sections, machines, and floor structures. VIKAFOAM and VIKADYN are made of polyurethane, but we also have vibration damping sheets in rubber, including MAFUND and RG. In addition, we also recommend VIKACELL, which is a microcellular elastomer with extra flexibility, suitable for floating floors.

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